Artificial Intelligence

Getting Started with AI: A Practical Guide for Small Companies

5 min. read

For years, Big Tech companies like Meta, Microsoft, and Nvidia have invested heavily in AI hardware and hired large numbers of AI and ML engineers. But AI is not just for large corporations with deep pockets. Rapid advancements in AI technology can seem intimidating for small companies. With cloud-based tools, pre-built AI workstations, and open-source software, even companies with minimal IT resources can implement AI solutions that drive efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and provide insights that were previously out of reach.

This article explains a practical approach to getting your company started with AI, including what hardware to purchase and how to train machine learning models with minimal resources.

1. Start Small: Define Your Use Cases

Before investing in hardware or software, it's crucial to identify specific use cases where AI can provide the most value. These can be simple tasks like automating customer service responses, improving demand forecasting, or analyzing customer sentiment. Starting small will help your team build confidence in AI without overwhelming your existing resources.

2. Cloud-Based Solutions for a Fast Start

For businesses with little IT infrastructure, cloud-based services are the easiest and most cost-effective way to get started with AI. Cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure offer powerful AI and machine learning tools, such as pre-trained models, that can be integrated into your business without any hardware purchase. These platforms offer pay-as-you-go models so you can experiment without large upfront costs.

If your needs are basic, this could be a long-term solution. However, if you plan to train custom models or handle large amounts of data in-house, it’s worth investing in dedicated hardware.

3. Purchasing Hardware: The GPU Dilemma

When training large language models (LLMs) or machine learning models, having the right hardware is essential. Central Processing Units (CPUs) alone won’t cut it for high-performance tasks like training AI models; you’ll need Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), which are specialized in parallel processing and significantly speed up AI computations.

a. Identify Your Workload

  • Training Models: If your company plans to train models in-house, you’ll need higher-end GPUs with more memory and cores, such as NVIDIA A100, RTX 3090, or Tesla V100.
  • Inference: If you're only using pre-trained models, lower-end GPUs can work, like NVIDIA RTX 3060 or similar.

b. Single Workstation vs. Multi-GPU Server

  • Single Workstation: For companies just starting out, a high-performance workstation with a single GPU may be sufficient. Depending on the GPU and CPU specifications, this setup can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $6,000.
  • Multi-GPU Server: Consider a multi-GPU server setup if you plan to train large-scale models. This will be a significant investment (starting at around $10,000), but it allows for faster model training.

c. Consider Pre-built AI Hardware

Several companies sell pre-built AI workstations optimized for machine learning:

  • NVIDIA DGX Systems: Designed specifically for AI research and development but on the more expensive end.
  • Lambda Labs: Offers workstations and servers optimized for deep learning at various price points.

d. Look into Leasing Options

If purchasing high-end hardware is too costly, leasing is an alternative. Many vendors offer lease-to-own programs for AI-optimized workstations, allowing businesses to spread the cost over time.

4. Data Management: The Lifeblood of AI

Your AI models will be only as good as the data you feed them. Start by collecting and organizing your data:

  • Structured Data: Data that fits neatly into a table (e.g., databases, spreadsheets).
  • Unstructured Data: This includes images, text, and video. Modern AI models, particularly LLMs, excel at working with unstructured data.

Investing in a basic data infrastructure, such as a relational database or a cloud-based storage service, is essential. Cloud platforms like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage offer scalable solutions for data storage.

5. Training AI Models: The Basics

Once you've established your hardware and data infrastructure, the next step is to train your models. Here’s how:

a. Use Pre-Trained Models as a Starting Point

Even if you want to customize a model, starting with a pre-trained model can save significant time and resources. These models have already been trained on massive datasets and can be fine-tuned for your specific use case.

  • Hugging Face: Offers a repository of pre-trained language models like BERT, GPT, and T5, which you can fine-tune.
  • TensorFlow Hub and PyTorch Hub: Provide pre-trained models for various tasks, from image recognition to natural language processing (NLP).

b. Fine-Tuning Large Language Models

To fine-tune a pre-trained model on your specific data:

  • Step 1: Gather and clean a dataset relevant to your task.
  • Step 2: Use a pre-trained model from a platform like Hugging Face. These models can be fine-tuned with as little as a few hundred examples.
  • Step 3: Fine-tune the model using a framework like PyTorch or TensorFlow. This process involves adjusting the model’s weights based on your specific dataset to improve accuracy.
  • Step 4: Evaluate and validate the model to ensure it performs well on new data.

For small companies, fine-tuning a pre-trained model is far more resource-efficient than building a model from scratch.

6. Open-Source Tools for AI Development

Several open-source tools can help smaller companies start AI projects without high costs:

  • TensorFlow: One of the most popular machine learning libraries, offering robust model training and deployment support.
  • PyTorch: A flexible machine learning framework that is gaining popularity, particularly in research and natural language processing tasks.
  • Hugging Face Transformers: Offers easy access to various large language models that can be fine-tuned for your use cases.
  • Keras: A high-level neural network API that runs on top of TensorFlow, making it easier to get started with deep learning.

7. Training on a Budget: Leveraging Cloud GPUs

If purchasing GPUs isn’t feasible, cloud providers offer on-demand access to powerful GPU instances. AWS EC2, Google Cloud, and Azure all offer virtual machines with GPU capabilities that can be rented by the hour. This enables you to train models without investing upfront in expensive hardware and only pay for the computing power you need. The cost for cloud GPU instances typically ranges from $0.50 to $10 per hour, depending on the GPU type and region. Keep in mind that training large models can take days or even weeks, so it's important to monitor usage closely.

8. Building a Small AI Team

If your internal IT team lacks AI expertise, consider hiring a small team or consulting with AI specialists like Tevpro. Look for roles such as:

  • Data Scientists: Experts in machine learning and statistical modeling.
  • Machine Learning Engineers: Focus on building and deploying models.
  • AI Consultants: Can help guide your initial efforts and ensure you're on the right track.

If full-time hires aren't feasible, working with freelancers or partnering with universities to engage with AI talent could be a more budget-friendly option.

Final Thoughts

Getting started with AI can be the hardest part. If you feel like AI is out of reach, contact professionals like Tevpro to help. We begin every project with a thorough assessment to understand your current data, infrastructure, and business processes. We then work through the pros and cons of every possible technology option to build optimal solutions that meet your needs exactly.

Message us for information on Linkedin, Twitter (X), or our contact page.