In a world where modern technology is everchanging, new tools are constantly being created. That's why we love test driving the latest and greatest tools - we can advise optimal solutions for our clients and give a comprehensive picture of what's available and possible.
From the vast amount of emerging technologies, we'd like to highlight seven of our most appreciated tools of 2022.

NextJS is a powerful React (front-end) framework, acting as a wrapper for ReactJS. NextJS provides a more comprehensive framework solution to the popular front-end development library and allows for developers to use many useful "out-of-the-box" features that would otherwise have to be manually added to the relevant React apps. A few key features to highlight are server-sider rendering and the ability to generate static websites.

Remix is a full stack web framework similar to that of NextJS and centers development around appealing UI/UX design. Remix is used for server-side rendering, where data is fetched on the backend and html is served directly to the user, but unlike NextJS, does not offer static site generation. Other beneficial features of Remix include nested pages, state transitions, and traditional forms.

Svetle is a front-end web framework that challenges traditional frameworks by handling efforts in the compile step of building the app as opposed to forcing the work to occur inside the browser. Having the work done at build time instead of run time increases performance speeds with no drawbacks!

Supabase is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service (Baas) platform that provides as a Firebase alternative. Developers can focus on front-end code and allow Supabase to handle server-side code, such as a real-time relational database, authentication, hosting, storage, and push notifications. Supabase also allows for the importing pre-existing data from a CSV, and their price (free) is an added bonus to their offerings.

Prisma is an open-source server-side library used for reading and writing type-safe data to a database. It is an ORM that allows for defining models in the Prisma schema, serving as the single source of truth as opposed to mapping tables to model classes in a programming language as seen in traditional ORMs. Prisma's approach eradicates problems rooted from object-relational impedance mismatch!

ViteJS is a front-end web development tool that solves the issues of performance bottlenecks caused by copious amounts of JavaScript code, from slow server starts to slow updates. ViteJS uses the newly available native ES modules in browser and JavaScript tools written in compile-to-native languages for faster server start, optimized builds, fast Hot Module Replacement (HMR), and fully typed APIs.

Capacitor is a cross-platform contained, native runtime for building modern web apps that run on iOS, Android, and the Web. With Capacitor, developers conserve their full access to native SDKs, allowing for a wide array of options to work with by simply utilizing the Plugin API for Swift on iOS, Java on Android, and JavaScript for the web and are backward-compatible with many Cordova plugins.
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